Classic FM Romance

Why Classic FM Romance will work for you - Find love, harmony and friendship in a safe, secure and trusted environment - Use our comprehensive matching system to connect with other like-minded people - All profiles are vetted so you can be confident that the people you meet are genuine - We have a large crowd of intelligent, music-loving professionals joining each week - Our great customer support team are always happy to help and answer your questions

Classic FM Romance Reviews

    very disappointed

    Just like other sites you think you are in contact with somebody and turns out to be some guy behind the computer who pretends to answer to you. BIG SCUM

    Misleading advertising

    I joined this site a couple of years ago. I live on the South coast in a rural location but, despite that, I got quite a good response and had several "first dates" although no one I met was suitable. However, I discovered was none of the men I either had messages from or met in person, were registered with Classic FM Romance. Indeed, they were on a number of totally different dating websites that included the Telegraph and Senior Dating which left me wondering why "safety" is stressed in the radio ads I hear for Classic FM Romance when your profile is available to people from a number of other unrelated dating websites.

    Seems to attract the more professional type.

    Expensive. None of the people I was in contact with were actually registered with Classic FM Romance, which would account for the fact that none of them listed "classical music" as their preferred listening which was mostly "pop music". As the age group I was interested in was between 65-75 this was a surprise!

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