Classic FM Romance

Why Classic FM Romance will work for you - Find love, harmony and friendship in a safe, secure and trusted environment - Use our comprehensive matching system to connect with other like-minded people - All profiles are vetted so you can be confident that the people you meet are genuine - We have a large crowd of intelligent, music-loving professionals joining each week - Our great customer support team are always happy to help and answer your questions

Classic FM Romance Reviews


    Unfortunately, as with most Internet dating sites, Classic FM romance is no exception, because Internet dating doesn't work. Internet dating sites are notorious for time wasters. This particular platform however uses matching technology, which is flawed. My advice is, don't waste your money. Some of these sites are raking it in. If you want a relationship, go about it the old fashioned way.

    I thought they would be better, having a good radio station behind them. But I was wrong.

    There is not much I can say.

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